Thursday, July 7, 2011

Shupp's Grove Antique Flea Market

Scott and I are junk antique collectors. We like all things old, and worn, and retro, and shabby.We prefer them in the "aged" state, not the refurbished state. Give us an old box with chipping paint and distressed wood any day!!

We don't really have a "collection" of a specific type of thing, but a "collection" of a little of everything.
If we see something that we like, and it's a reasonable price, we get it, no regrets!! 
(See picture above that was actually posted at a booth)

We hadn't been Antique-ing in a while, unless yard-Sale-ing counts, but it is totally NOT the same thing.

Yard Sale-ing and Thrifting to me, means, "deals" and finding prices that are a steal!
Antique-ing means paying Top Dollar for items that people consider highly collectible and rare.

So, with the current economic state of my household, as well as most people I know, Antique-ing hasn't been on the list of activities parents told me about a place called SHUPP'S GROVE.

During the weekend of June 24,25,26, they hosted a "Summer Extravaganza".  
The extravaganza was literally a huge Antique Flea Market in the middle of the woods. It consisted of approx. 150 private antique booths that were set up in the most wonderful SHADY setting. Shupp's Grove is in Adamstown, PA, 
(about 1 hour and 50 minutes from Baltimore)
 in Lancaster County.

We made a few purchases, including my latest obsession, Fire Grenades. They are so interesting and rare. I found a couple in the winter in Antiques stores, some for over $300 each. I found one at Shupps, with the mounting kit, for $30!! I absolutely love it, and we have mounted it on the wall in our family room. We also purchased a minnow trap, 2 vintage wooden fishing lures, an old wooden fishing rod and reel, 4th of July Sheet music from the 1940's, E bought himself a Duncan Yo-Yo, and my mom bought a vintage tricycle.

Enjoy a few pictures that I took that day..

Some of E's favorite items
Cannon $1200 
Child's Bike $35
Larger then Life Beatles!!

Top Hat $35

What I loved about Shupps-
Location, shade, mix of items, prices, food building, free admission
Most vendors were interested in negotiating prices.

What I didn't love-
A lot of empty "booths" made the vendors spread out, and not easy to navigate aisles.
Some items were EXTREMELY overpriced

Check out their brochure for more events scheduled this year.


  1. I want that beetles statue

    New blog follower! Come follow back and enter my great giveaways! {One ends tonight}

  2. New follower from Hoppin Weekend.
    Hope you follow back.

  3. I would have so much fun shopping here.
