Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kim's Magic Pop

Do you know that feeling about 45 minutes before lunchtime? Or 11'oclock at night when you just need that little snack? Or at 3:15 in the afternoon and your work day is dragging on and on and on, and you need a little pick me up? Well, I found salvation! Actually E found it for me at the grocery store. We were shopping at our local supermarket this past weekend, when I saw a little crowd of people gather around this plastic box, with a store employee standing in the middle. My first thought was, what the heck? Then I thought free giveaway!   I told E we would check it out when we got to that area of the store. So up and down the lanes we went, only to see the crowds remaining at the booth, and then to hear this crazy popping noise now coming from that direction. So of course, we were drawn to the little plastic box with the lady standing in the middle of it to discover Kim's Magic Pop! What is Kim's Magic Pop you ask? I don't really know! It's this tortilla looking crispy crunchy air filled treat! The lady in the box was calling it a  rice cake, but let me just tell you, it's like no rice cake that I've ever had! I was sold! A bag of approx 15 was less then $3, and it is such a great snack. I like it by itself, but the lady in the box gave me some dipping/topping ideas, like Marzetti Ranch dip, honey, Salsa, and Peanut Butter. But, the best topper for my new found snack is liquid crack, NUTELLA!! Ahh, say it with me, Nutella, you know ,the yummy liquidy,chocolately, hazelnutty wonder known as Nutella! It is the most amazing dessert! Last night I said no to Chocolate cake, and ice cream so that I could have a Nutella covered RICE CAKE!! Really, try it, it's that good!!
 I have not been paid to endorse Kim's Magic Pop, but if  Mr. and Mrs. Kim wanted to send me some free samples, I wouldn't be against it! wink wink!

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